Clark County officials emphasize holiday safety to prevent holiday tragedies
The Clark County Fire Department and UMC Hospital are reminding the community that safety is a top priority during the holiday season.
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UMC is committed to meeting the needs of the media as quickly and efficiently as possible. Members of the media are only allowed inside UMC for news coverage when escorted by a member of our public relations team.
Please contact UMC's public relations team to coordinate any media coverage at UMC.
Scott Kerbs, UMC Public Relations Director
Phone: 702-383-1817
Emily Antuna, UMC Public Relations Coordinator
Phone: 702-207-8817
Updates for mass casualty incidents will be provided regularly to members of the media. A member of the public relations team will serve as an official hospital spokesperson, unless specific medical information is necessary, in which case, a medical spokesperson will be designated by the hospital's executive team.
Requests for information or interviews should be made to the public relations team. It is UMC policy that only members of UMC’s public relations team and hospital executives are permitted to confirm information and grant interview requests. UMC adheres to the guidelines of HIPAA in protecting all patient information.
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